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Note From Judy Haynes - 14 June 2013

Scottish Breeds – 2nd June 2013– Thanks

The President and Committee of the Scottish Breeds Dog Club of Victoria would like to thank our Judges, Stewards, Officials, competitors, and all involved in making our 2013 Restricted to Scottish Breeds Agility, Jumping and Games Trial held on 2nd June the success it was.   We would particularly like to thank all those who assisted with course construction on the morning of the Trial, packing up at the conclusion of the Trial, and those who helped pack up the function room after Presentations.   You guys Rock!!

We would also like to acknowledge the generous sponsorship from BlackHawk Premium Pet Care and KONG Company Pty Ltd.”

Trial Results 

Judy Haynes
Scottish Breeds Dog Club of Victoria Inc

Note From Judy Haynes - 20 May 2013
Change of Judge - Scottish Breeds Trial

Scottish Breeds – 2nd June – Change of Judge

For Excellent Agility (B) and (C), and Novice Agility (B), Mrs Heather Diamond replaces Mr Clive Makepeace who is unavailable.

Judy Haynes
Scottish Breeds Dog Club of Victoria Inc

Note From Judy Haynes - 15 May 2013
Assistance Required

The Scottish Breeds Dog Club’s Restricted Agility, Jumping and Games Trial will be held on Sunday 2nd June at KCC Park.   The Committee is seeking assistance with course set-up on the morning of the Trial.

We are unable to do this on Saturday as an Obedience Trial will be conducted on the same area.

If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.   Raisin bread toast and tea/coffee will be provided.  

Contact Judy Haynes for further information.

Judy Haynes
Scottish Breeds Dog Club of Victoria Inc