
Clarification from Clive Makepeace
(RASV Show Manager Obedience & Agility)


Trial Dates:

Agility & Jumping - Sunday 30th September
Obedience - Friday 28th & Saturday 29th September

Clive would like to clarify the entry fee structure for those exhibitors who are contemplating entering the 2012 Melbourne Royal.

The three events concerned are Obedience, Agility and Jumping. It makes no difference if you are entering just one event or all three; there is only one (first) $27 entry fee (online). The remainder of the classes are $9 each (online). The fees are per dog. Example; entry fee for a dog entered into 2 Agility classes and 2 Jumping classes will be $27+$9+$9+$9 online. Plus, if that dog is entered into one Obedience class there is a further $9 online. Entering Obedience only in 2 classes fee would be $27 plus $9 for second class. (Offline fees would be $32 for 1st class per dog and $9 for subsequent entries per class). The above applies to Non RASV members. If you are a RASV member then the fee is $22.50 plus $9 for subsequent entries per dog.
Any queries please email me at clivemak@bigpond.net.au

Clive Makepeace (RASV Show Manager Obedience/Agility)

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